Welcome to the Fayette County
Bar Association
Local Lawyers Serving Our Community
Fayette Legal Journal
Find more information on the Fayette County Legal Journal, including rates, past issues, and online submissions here.
Find a Lawyer
The FCBA Find A Lawyer program is a lawyer referral service that refers callers to participating attorneys primarily located in Fayette County. There is no charge for contacting the FCBA lawyer referral service. The fee for an initial consultation of up to one half-hour with an attorney is only $25.
If you are looking for an attorney, please call the FCBA office at 724.437.7994 for a referral.
Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers
Helpline 888.999.1941
Struggling with emotional and/or mental health concerns or substance use problems? The LCL Helpline is confidential and is answered live 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. All services are 100% confidential, voluntary, and provided at no charge to Pennsylvania lawyers, judges, their family members, and law students. Details can be found on the LCL website.
Need guidance or have questions relating to your ethical obligations as a lawyer? Any PBA member with an ethical question concerning his or her own prospective conduct may call the PBA Ethics Hotline at 800-932-0311, ext. 2214, or submit a written request for an ethics opinion to Victoria.White@pabar.org. In addition, ethics opinions issued by the PBA Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility Committee may be accessed by PBA members by clicking here to log in and access the ethics opinions.