FCBA Membership Benefits
Dues paid to the FCBA also include the annual dues to the Pennsylvania Bar Association. As a Unit County, an attorney who is a member of the FCBA is also a member of the PBA and is entitled to all the Benefits and Services that go along with being part of Pennsylvania’s largest bar association. From Ethics guidance to Law Office Management support, to insurance, to Fastcase free online legal research services, to Listservs, to discounted office products, your membership gets you dramatic savings and the critical services every lawyer needs.
The FCBA offers all members the opportunity to participate in committee activities. Whether you are interested in community service, getting to know your colleagues at social gatherings, or helping improve the legal services we provide to our clients, the FCBA has a committee that should interest you. Please review our Committees and contact the chairperson directly to become a member of a committee to get involved.
FCBA Sponsored CLE. The Lunch & Learn Series offers CLE programs that are available to members for free or low cost. The programs include a light lunch, and are generally held monthly during the lunch hour in Courtroom No. 1 of the Courthouse.
PBA/PBI Seminars. The Pennsylvania Bar Association/Pennsylvania Bar Institute offers video PBI CLE courses at the FCBA office located at 45 E. Main Street, Suite 100. The list of available seminars is extensive, allowing members to obtain most, if not all, of their CLE requirements close to your office.
Please see our Lunch & Learn Programs and PBI Local Programs pages for upcoming seminars.
Your FCBA membership includes the Fayette Legal Journal which is published weekly.
The Find A Lawyer program is a client referral program sponsored and administered by the FCBA. The Lawyer Referral Service (LRS) refers callers to lawyers. Lawyers participate in this service on a voluntary basis and have indicated the areas of law in which they will accept referrals. The referrals are rotated among the participating lawyers according to the type of case. There is no charge by the FCBA to the prospective client for contacting the LRS. By using this service, the participating attorney agrees to grant Referral Service clients an initial consultation of up to one half-hour for a fee of $25. For the details of the program, please see the Rules and Procedures and complete the attached Application to participate in the program.
The FCBA hosts several social events throughout the year. All members are invited to the annual Bar Banquet, Bench/Bar Conference, Bar Picnic and Winter Social, in addition to cocktail parties and other events that are held at various times and locations. The upcoming events may be found on the Events and Calendar pages.
The FCBA Board of Directors meets monthly and the FCBA general membership meetings are held annually. The work of the Board and the committee activities are reported at the annual membership meetings. All FCBA meetings are listed on the Calendar.
The FCBA offers members access to a Zoom Pro Account to host video meetings or conference calls. Contact Cindy at the Bar Association Office to schedule your meeting at 724-437-7994 or cindy@fcbar.org.